T-Shirt Designs
These are just a small example of the types of work that I have done over the years, Please consider Jose Esquilin Graphics for your next project.
"An affordable alternative to expression"
Jose Esquilin Graphics was recently commissioned to design a Logo for a Cuddly Paws which operates a non profit shelter for Kittens and grown cats that have been injured, mis treated, homeless. I was more than happy to assist and I am proud to display the latest design, Cuddly Paws Rescue's new logo. If you are interested in donating to their mission, please follow the link below
A non profit organization that relays on donations to maintain operations.
A non profit organization that relays on donations to maintain operations.
all work on these pages are only for visualization of various pieces of work. Use either in part or in its entirety is prohibited without prior consent from Jose Esquilin Graphics.